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Southern California 
Chinese Lawyers Association

SCCLA Student Representative Application 2025-2026

  • 03/01/2025
  • 12:00 AM
  • 03/31/2025
  • 5:00 PM



SCCLA’s law student representatives are an integral part of SCCLA. The Board relies upon our law student representatives to be liaisons with local law schools, which is essential in our provision of mentorship and scholarship activities and connecting with the next generation of APA lawyers.  Because of the nature of the role, we strongly prefer candidates who attend law school in Southern California.

SCCLA law student representatives obtain an inside perspective on the inner workings of a bar organization and receive the opportunity to forge invaluable connections. SCCLA law student representatives have access to valuable opportunities for: speaking engagements (e.g., moderating panels geared toward law students); personalized mentorship, references, and career advice from Board of Governors members; and unique opportunities to gain experience from the nation’s first APA bar association.    

SCCLA Law Student Representatives assist with organizing, publicizing, and volunteering at SCCLA events, including the annual installation banquet; attending monthly board meetings; enhancing law student participation with SCCLA; and other projects with the Board. 

Email with any questions. 

Application Certification

I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct. I understand the student representative position is a volunteer role. I agree to the following:

  • Attend monthly board meetings – For 2025, they are on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm or 6:30pm in locations including downtown and Century City
  • Recruit and coordinate student participants and volunteers for SCCLA events
  • Volunteer at SCCLA's annual banquet on May 22, 2025
  • Connect with other APA law student groups of local Southern California law schools to publicize SCCLA events via email
  • Assist with promotion of SCCLA events through social media
  • Contribute as a member of the Law Student Committee (e.g., chair events geared toward law students such as mock interviews, resume reviews, and mentoring/clerkship panels)
  • Abide by SCCLA's Code of Conduct, which can be found here
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