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Southern California 
Chinese Lawyers Association

Settlement Strategy With Judges Ernest M. Hiroshige and Owen Lee Kwong

  • 04/25/2012
  • 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • J J Grand Hotel, 620 South Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles
Settlement Strategy With Judges Ernest M. Hiroshige and Owen Lee Kwong

Hear two very experienced settlement Judges (Judge Owen Lee Kwong, specially assigned to the Central Civil Settlement Program, and Judge Ernest M. Hiroshige,
assigned to LA Central Direct Calendaring) give their insights into how settlement conferences are conducted and what they expect from counsel in terms of MSC Statements, strategy toward settlement, and how settlements are achieved.

Judge Kwong, the founding and first judge assigned to the Civil Settlement Program in the Stanley Mosk Courthouse (Central), is regarded as a preeminent authority on the settlement of the most complex cases. Judge Hiroshige, the recipient of KCLA's "2011 Friend of the Community Award" and founder and second President of JABA, has
presided over and settled numerous cases. The Judges will give their "do's and don'ts" for counsel at settlement conferences and will provide suggestions as to how counsel should prepare for achieving settlement of their cases.

Q & A by attendees will be encouraged.  Written materials will be provided.

620 South Harvard Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

$ 40.00 with Dinner; $25.00 for program only (if paid in advance)
$ 50.00 with Dinner; $35.00 for program only (if paid at door)

Register by Phone with Visa or MasterCard: Call (818) 679-1888 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., or send a check made payable to KCLA, c/o Moon & Dorsett, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1060, Los Angeles, CA 90010. KCLA is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider.

KCLA certifies that this activity has been approved by the State Bar of California for a 2-hour MCLE credit.
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